Hello and welcome to our families page! Our families ministry works alongside our children’s ministry to support children and their families both in our church and our wider community. Our families noticeboard will give you the latest dates for upcoming events. Please get in touch with our Pioneer Families Minister if you would like her to come and visit you or to find out more about our families ministry.

Alongside our Children’s ministry groups on a Sunday Morning our families get together depending on their ages during the week at our Family Cafe, our Two by Two toddler groups, Joy Tots baby group, small groups, Mums Bible Study & seasonal events throughout the year including Dads mornings & Forest Church. We also welcome parents to occasional parenting focused evenings as well craft and cake evenings. Our families come in all shapes and sizes for which we praise God! Everyone is welcome to come and join in with God’s wider family – the Church.
If you would like to read our Vision and strategy for Families Ministry and TBC please click the link below.
Please visit the Forest Church page for more information on taking part in Forest Church.
Please also feel free to check out our family resources page for other helpful resources.
Our Worship playlist can also be found here for some family worship time: