LifeSTREAM – Connecting with God

Staying in shape as a Christian is not easy! Everyday life can so easily bend us out of shape, and leave us drained. It is vital that we keep coming back to God, the source of our life. The way we do that is by using the ‘lifestreams’ that Jesus used, things like prayer; meeting God in the Bible; enjoying the support of Christian friends and leading a well-balanced life. These things that we do, open us to what only God can give!

Making time to enjoying God’s presence, to speak to him and listen for his voice should be a pleasure – and priority!

Scripture & Learning
To stay in shape we need to listen carefully and regularly for everything that God says to us.

Christian Community
To stay in shape we need the help and encouragement of others on the same journey.

Rest & Recreaction
Hearing God’s call to rest is a key to physical, mental and spiritual health.