

Updated 1 Apr 2022

As we continue to move in step with the latest Government guidance we ask that everyone planning to come to our premises take the following into account:


  • Keep windows open to ensure a through flow of fresh air.
  • If you would like to, then use the sanitiser provided.
  • Wear a face covering if you choose to do so.

In certain cases we may put aside socially distanced spaces for those who feel more comfortable if such a measure were in place. (For the time-being we will continue to provide socially distanced seats on a Sunday morning, which may be booked via our website, and we will also continue to livestream the Sunday service).

Groups using the premises can put in place other COVID precautions where they feel this is needed.

If you test positive for COVID, or have symptoms of COVID, please stay at home in line with Government guidance.

Going forwards there may be particular action that we need to take to comply with specific Government advice for an activity. If that is the case notice will be given in advance.

Thank You

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